Terms of Business

Terms & Conditions


Visits and events are open to managers of UK businesses and individuals who play an active role in their company’s business improvement process. Onsite Insight host companies have the right to veto visitors from competitor companies. Dependent on the size of the visit and the host involved, Onsite Insights may limit the number of visitors from any particular company. However, customised visits where one company may take up all of the places are available on request. All information retained by Onsite Insights is securely hosted on a cloud server and is in accordance with GDPR Guidelines. Our lists remain confidential, and if you do wish to unsubscribe please just notify our team.

Methods of payment

Bookings may be made by BACS, credit/debit card or cheques for the full amount. Credit card payments will be processed via PAYPAL – We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any Third Parties. Cheques should be made payable to Onsite Insights Limited and should be attached to your booking form or posted to us at the same time as your email booking confirmation. Cheques should be received within seven working days from the date of booking or places will be cancelled. Where a booking is less than 20 days prior to the visit taking place, the visit must be paid for using a credit or debit card.

Cancellations and transfers

If you are unable to attend the visit, you may transfer to another within six months of the original date, subject to availability and ten working days notice. Substitutes are only acceptable if the individual is of a sufficiently senior management level. If cancellation occurs within twenty working days of the visit, the visit fee will be forfeit. In the event of cancellation by Onsite Insights or our host companies you may transfer to another visit, subject to availability, or receive a full refund. Unfortunately, visits are occasionally subject to date change or cancellation. Because this cancellation/date change may therefore be outside our control, Onsite Insights will not be liable for costs incurred by cancellation of travel bookings unless the cancellation of the visit is made by the host company within 48 hours of the visit taking place. It is therefore recommended that you make any travel or accommodation bookings on the basis of a full refund or transfer in the event of cancellation.


The current price for company visits ranges between £195 – £345 plus VAT dependent on the host company. please contact us for further information.