Lean Forum Charitable Sector Virtual Group

About 15 years ago we founded a networking group called the LEAN Forum® to encourage the sharing of ideas and inspiration on Continuous Improvement and Lean Thinking.
The LEAN Forum is a not-for-profit network that has grown to over 400 members located across the UK, Europe, and the USA.   A number of our members operate in the charity/third sector and have asked if we could consider creating a group that specifically engages and supports Charitable organisations in their Continuous Improvement and Lean Thinking journey.
This initial kick-off meeting will be on the 22nd November 2022 at 2-3pm GMT. 
At the initial meeting we will be looking to establish agreement on the networks purpose and vision, governance, format/content, and the frequency of the networking sessions.  To reiterate, the network would be free to attend, and run on a not-for-profit basis.
Based on the success of the LEAN Forum®, we believe this new network could make a very positive impact on your charity and support your teams develop their skills. 
If you believe this network would be of value to your organisation but feel others are better placed to attend, then please feel free to share this link.