What We Do

We deliver the most successful company visit programme – Onsite Insights. We also deliver events, workshops, in-house training and study-tours.

About Onsite Insights – the National Visit Programme

Onsite Insights is a programme of visits to award-winning companies, where visitors get to see best practice in action. No theory, no text books, just what works and why, direct from organisations that have achieved success.

Visiting leading companies can provide an organisation with valuable insights, networking opportunities, benchmarking, employee development, and inspiration for innovation, all of which can contribute to their success in the long run.


Lean | Supply Chain | People and Leadership | Innovation & Continuous Improvement | Strategic Planning | Sales & Marketing | Customer Care | Corporate Social Responsibility.


Benchmarking and best practice visits have proven success in:

Improving productivity | Improving performance | Stimulating change | Generating new ideas and solutions | Accelerating innovation.


Of our visitors:

100% said they would recommend the programme | 98% said they would recommend this form of learning | 96% identified new ideas for their business.


Onsite Insights has acquired a distinguished list of successful and award winning hosts committed to sharing their experience and knowledge.

Upcoming Best Practice Visits

Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems

April 2, 2025, Broadstairs, Kent

Lear Corporation

April 10, 2025, Redditch

SHINGO Forum Virtual Meet-Up

April 17, 2025, Zoom

Nissan Motor Manufacturing

April 23, 2025, Sunderland

Worldwide Fruit

April 30, 2025, Peterborough

What Our Clients Say

The Tour

The tour and experience was very enlightening. The values and goals of the JLR team were clear to all. The enthusiasm shown by the course mentors was exceptional and the information give clear and concise

Martin Jones – Ibstock Bricks

Continuous Improvement

One of the principle tasks for today’s manufacturer is Continuous Improvement; and one of the best ways to experience first-hand the practical application of the tools and techniques that will help drive a business’s C.I. initiatives is the first class programme of visits offered by Onsite Insights. Oxford Instruments plc employees regularly attend the Onsite Insights programme of Best Practice visits, and have found the experiences invaluable

Stuart Wood – Oxford Instruments PLC